Stephanie Yu writes fiction and lives in Los Angeles

Her work has appeared in phoebe, Southwest Review, and X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine among other publications. It has been recognized by the Wigleaf Top 50. 

Selected Writing

"An Implicit Comparison Between Two Unlike Things," swamp pink (forthcoming)

"A Knock at the Door," wigleaf

"No dreams / Little jars," hex literary

"Strong Female Character Goes By Her Last Name Only," SmokeLong Quarterly

A Matter of Survival,” Fractured Literary (originally published in Hobart)

Sun Surf Skin Rye,” Atlas & Alice

A Grudge of a Different Kind,” Southwest Review (in print)

Fruit Salad,” Milk Candy Review (Best Small Fictions nomination)

Lindsey,” trampset

When the Sound of Bleating Calls You Home,” phoebe (Pushcart + Best of the Net nomination)

Dog Dentist,” X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine

Three Stories,” BULL

Lost Boys,” 100 Word Story (Wigleaf Top 50 in 2022)

Lord Randall,” Longleaf Review (Best Small Fictions nomination)

Time Traveling Uncle,” Litro

Audiology,” Journal of Compressed Creative Arts

The Grange,” Gingerbread House (Best of the Net nomination)

Steak Diane,” carte blanche

Come and See,” ECLECTICA Magazine (Wigleaf Top 50 in 2021)

Awards & Recognition

2024: Third Place for the SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction

2022: Wigleaf Top 50 for "Lost Boys"

2021: Wigleaf Top 50 for "Come and See"

2021: Finalist in phoebe's Spring Fiction Contest

2021: Pushcart Nomination for "When the Sound of Bleating Calls You Home"

2021: Best Small Fictions Nomination for "Fruit Salad"

2021: Best Small Fictions Nomination for "Lord Randall"

2021: Best of the Net Nomination for "The Grange"

2021: Best of the Net Nomination for "When the Sound of Bleating Calls You Home"

2019: Finalist in CRAFT's Flash Fiction Contest


Dear Wigleaf - Postcard to wigleaf

Smoke & Mirrors about "Strong Female Character" - Interview with SmokeLong Quarterly

Reading of "A Matter of Survival" - Art of the Short podcast

Two Questions about "Fruit Salad" - Interview with Milk Candy Review

Reading of "Lord Randall" - Micro podcast